ARC 2.0
Welcome guest blogger, Richard Rogers, as he brings to you his reasoning behind the ARC -
The concept was to make a very slim, light knife with clean lines that you could carry without noticing it until you needed it.
The ARC was one of my first designs. I recently decided to revist the design and give it an update/reboot/makeover. I was happy with the overall lines, but the cutout in the blade for opening was problematic for some people. There is a real tendency to push in on the lockbar while trying to open smaller frame lock knives. This makes them really difficult to open.
I decided to try 2 versions, one with bearings, and one with .005" thick washers. The little bearings are really smooth and quick, but result in a slightly thicker knife. Washers are still smooth, but they let me get the knife .030" thinner.
The grooves in the blade and handle serve a dual purpose: They act as an opening feature for the version with washers, and also serve to accentuate the curved shape of the top line.
I included a thumbstud on the version with bearings. This way it can be easily flipped open with a flick of the thumb.
The clip was changed to aid in gripping the knife while opening, and to move it toward the rear of the pocket. In my experience, the farther back in the pocket, the less likely the clip is to snag on things.
Some people like a lanyard hole, and some don't. I redesigned the back spacer so that it has 2 postions. In one position, the lanyard hole is completely hidden. In the other position, it is visible at the rear of the knife.
The blade is 3/32" thick, and the weight is under 1.5 ounces.
New Model Open Bid
Happy Spring to all! At least, I hope you are experiencing Spring-like weather.
We are offering up a brand new model as an Open Bid. We haven't a name for this one yet, but it is a smaller, lighter version of the V2. As many of you may know, Richard does a run of four knives when he is prototyping a new model. This is the third from that batch. So technically we do not call it a proto but it is from the first manifestation of the model.

Very Merry Holiday Fundraiser Follow-up
Yesterday was a fun day marking the culmination of our 4th Annual Holiday Fundraiser as Santa distributed presents and the checks were delivered to both the Socorro Storehouse and the Magdalena Friends of the Library.
This year you all helped raise an amazing $10,025.13! Y'all done good!! Give yourselves a pat on the back or at least a fist bump; this is real money helping a lot of area families. Your generosity truly warms our hearts and we are grateful for sharing your friendship. Thank you, such simple words, hold a depth of feelings of gratitude and good will.
For full transparency and disclosure, I did NOT put a down payment on the Aston Martin but instead bought gifts for 46 of the 90 kids on the Giving Tree; purchased a Chromebook for a 16 year old nerd, as she dubbed herself; then divided the remainder in half to donate to the Friends and the Storehouse (each received $2,440.87). And of course we are grateful for the very generous $3,000, which Rob donated directly to the Storehouse from the Hate Project.
The following photos are of Catrina, the recipient of the laptop. She wanted me to tell you, "Thank you so much for the wonderful surprise. I love it, and being a nerd who spends a lot of time at the library pays off!" She is a great kid with a very bright future.
I didn't get a photo of the check to the Storehouse, but know that the money will feed a lot of families for months to come. Thank you for helping so many no longer be hungry.
This last photo is the presentation of the check to the Friends of the Library. I will write another post about how the monies you've donated have enriched our historic little train station library and community.
Thank you all again. May your Christmas and coming New Year be filled with peace and joy. Bright Blessings on you all.
4th Annual Holiday Fundraiser
***CLOSED*** Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your generous donations! We raised $10,026 !!
'Tis the season, the time of year when the weather gets downright nippy, days get darker earlier, and we ask you to help provide a brighter & merrier holiday for those in need. Our home state of New Mexico is one of the poorest states in the nation and our county is the poorest county in the state. Sadly, that translates into many people needing a helping hand. We are humbly asking that you once again help us lift their burden.
Our local charities that are close to our hearts, where 100% of all proceeds raised will be donated, are the Magdalena Giving Tree (toys for area youth), the Socorro Storehouse (area food bank), and the Magdalena Friends of the Library. Some may be wondering why the Friends of the Library, and the reason is the library offers so many services that are unavailable to much of our population - such as internet service, cultural events, help with homework, help with job inquiries, eBooks, audiobooks, real books, and so much more. Plus it's where Santa appears!
This year's raffle items are a Mid-Utility, (MUt), knife featuring Burnished Checkered Titanium Frames with grooves, blurple anodized clip, backspacer, pivot and collar,and Tritium in the backspacer. Other swag will be 8 Copper MarkeRRs (coins) with either a Christmas tree or Snowflake design, 3 Zirconium Snowflake Ornaments, and a Richard Rogers T-shirt. And if this really goes crazy we will throw in some more goodies!
Entries are $10 each and you can select the number of entries you want to make. We'll run the fundraiser from now until Sunday evening, December 10, at 8:00 PM (MST). Just click the link and it will take you directly to PayPal. We will random draw the winners on Sunday and notify winners on Monday.
If you'd like more information on our charities you can go to, the Magdalena Public Library and Giving Tree at - under Departments.
Thank you again for all your support now and throughout the year. We truly appreciate you all! Happy Holidays!
New York Custom Knife Show
The NYCKS is this coming Friday and Saturday, November 10-11, at The Westin-Jersey City Newport. Showtimes are Friday 11:00-6:00, and Saturday 10:00-6:00. We will have our usual beep beep lotteries on both days. We will not have any FCFS, unfortunately, so no golden tickets will be handed out. But please do represent by wearing your Rogers t-shirts!
The Friday lotto will be drawn at 3:30 pm and Saturday at 1:00. The Rangers Only knife will be drawn Saturday at 1:00. Open Bid knife, which is open to all, need not be in attendance to bid, the bidding will close at 2:00 on Saturday. The Sealed/Closed Bid will end at 1:30 on Saturday. All times are Eastern Standard Time.
The Open Bid knife is an Axiom featuring antique Westinghouse Micarta; Mokuti flame bolsters; blue anodized Titanium pivot, collar, screws, lanyard pin, and polished liners; Mokuti back-spacer and machined clip; and a Mike Norris Core Damascus 5/32" thick blade.
The Sealed/Closed Bid knife is a Mid-4F featuring Zircuti bolsters and clip; antique Westinghouse Micarta; blue anodized Titanium pivot, collar, screws, and lanyard pin; heat-colored Zirconium standoffs; Damasteel blade; and blue anodized, polished, and beveled liners.
Bidding can be done in person, by text (575-838-7237), email to, or Facebook Messenger (Sally Rogers). For the Open Bid I will raise by $100 increments. The Sealed/Closed Bid is not bid up, send in your highest bid and I will write that on a ticket and drop it in the box.
Hope to see many of you there
Closed Bid knife
At the Vegas show this weekend we will have this Mid-size 4F as a Closed Bid. Anyone is welcome to bid, need not be in attendance.
This Mid 4F features a Damasteel blade, Timascus bolsters, Antique Westinghouse scales, chamfered liners, and light blue anodized fittings.
If not in attendance a bid can be made by proxy or email, text, or FB message me. I will write a ticket with your bid, place it in the box, and notify winner. My information is as follows:, 575-838-7237, and Sally Rogers on FB.
Bid closes on Saturday, at 4:30pm PST.
Thank you all!
USN G9 The Gathering Open Bid
We will be Vegas bound later this week. Richard just recently completed the Open Bid knife. This was a very complex knife to design and build. But all his time and hard work produced this:
This is a Vector V2 which features heat-colored Timascus flame inlays, polished Zirc frames, Timascus and Zirc back spacer, Mike Norris Flame Damascus, Zirc Clip, Zirc Pivot Collars, and an inlaid lock bar. He intentionally raised the inlays to provide a nice grip and texture. The polished Zirc frames are silky smooth and sexy. This is a SWEET knife.
This knife will be sold by Open Bid. It is open to everyone, everywhere, need not be in attendance to bid. Bids will be taken in person, by proxy, or email/text/FB message me and I will raise accordingly. Bidding will be in $100 increments. It will end on Saturday, September 2, at 4:00 pm (Pacific time zone). Email is, text to 575-838-7237, FB Messenger is Sally Rogers.
Open Bid at Blade

Blade Show Schedule
Blade Show is Friday, June 2 through Sunday, June 4, in Atlanta. We will be at our usual table, 2D; it's right up front so be sure to stop by!
We will have lotto knives available on Friday, as well as on Saturday. The lotto drawings will occur at 3:00 (EST) on Friday and 2:00 (EST) on Saturday. Tickets will be available each day first thing in the morning. The tickets go fast so I recommend you stop by early to pick them up. We will also have a few BreacheRRs and OpeneRRs as FCFS Friday and Saturday. Worry tags and t-shirts will also be FCFS. A Rangers Only lotto knife will be drawn on Saturday at 3:00 (EST). Represent by wearing your t-shirts for an extra ticket or two!
We will have an Open Bid knife and a RRafle knife. They will both be open to all, need not be in attendance to participate. International bids and/or ticket purchases are welcome.
I will post more information on the Open Bid Knife in a few days.
The Rrafle Knife is this Mid-Utility:
It features Zirc frames, Timascus Inlays, Timascus pivot collars, back spacers, and clip, Blue Anodized Titanium screws, thumb studs , and a Mike Norris damascus blade in Composite Ladder pattern.
RRafle tickets will be $10 for one, 6 for $50, and 13 for $100. Tickets available at the show or in our webShop,, it is under the 'Shop' tab. We will have a drawing Saturday night, June 3, & we will try to live stream it.
Thank you!
To all who purchased a downloadable image of the Axiom, thank you so very much. We are ever grateful for your support and business.
The drawing was held live on FB and the winner announced. We drew another name as a lagniappe; this time for a mini Ti two-tone Worry Tag.
We hope you all had an easy time with the purchasing process. If any problems, please let us know.
Now off to get a little more done for Monkey Muster, which is this Saturday.
Axiom RRafle

---CLOSED--- Thank you everyone. Will draw later this afternoon.
This classy Axiom features a Chad Nichols Tuxedo damascus blade, Bronze carved bolsters, Green Canvas Micarta, Bronze stand-offs and pivot collars, and bronze anodized hardware. This is probably the last time Richard will do this bolster pattern.
This would typically be an Open Bid knife but we want as many people as possible to have a chance at it. We appreciate all the support we've been given by so many of you and want you all to have a chance at this beauty. We feel this way is more equitable; plus it will be more fun.
So we are offering it as a 'RRafle'. In order to not be considered gambling we will sell 'downloadable images' rather than 'RRafle tickets'. Each image purchase is an entry for the Axiom. The price is $10 per 'image', 6 for $50, or 13 for $100. Purchases are unlimited and available here in the Shop.
We will end this at 12:00 noon on Sunday, April 2 with a live video to follow later in the day.
Thanks everyone!
Welcome to the new website!
It's finally happened, I finally got a real website up and running, with help from our friend, Brandon Green. It is a continuing work in progress but I am calling it good to go live. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not enjoy navigating around programs or software. I want to be able to press a button & everything work correctly, easily, and consistently. I do not want any issues, problems, or head-banging against the desk. So we decided to go with Shopify. And so far it is proving to be fairly easy to learn.
We still have our same web address: Now we will be able to offer a store where we can more easily add our drops of EDC and the occasional knife.
Hope you all like it & fingers crossed for no problems, issues or head-banging!
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