Blade Show is Friday, June 2 through Sunday, June 4, in Atlanta. We will be at our usual table, 2D; it's right up front so be sure to stop by!
We will have lotto knives available on Friday, as well as on Saturday. The lotto drawings will occur at 3:00 (EST) on Friday and 2:00 (EST) on Saturday. Tickets will be available each day first thing in the morning. The tickets go fast so I recommend you stop by early to pick them up. We will also have a few BreacheRRs and OpeneRRs as FCFS Friday and Saturday. Worry tags and t-shirts will also be FCFS. A Rangers Only lotto knife will be drawn on Saturday at 3:00 (EST). Represent by wearing your t-shirts for an extra ticket or two!
We will have an Open Bid knife and a RRafle knife. They will both be open to all, need not be in attendance to participate. International bids and/or ticket purchases are welcome.
I will post more information on the Open Bid Knife in a few days.
The Rrafle Knife is this Mid-Utility:
It features Zirc frames, Timascus Inlays, Timascus pivot collars, back spacers, and clip, Blue Anodized Titanium screws, thumb studs , and a Mike Norris damascus blade in Composite Ladder pattern.
RRafle tickets will be $10 for one, 6 for $50, and 13 for $100. Tickets available at the show or in our webShop,, it is under the 'Shop' tab. We will have a drawing Saturday night, June 3, & we will try to live stream it.
Hi, hope you guys had a great show. Would love to get there one year.
Any chance you could post the winner of the Rrafle Knife for those who missed the draw?
I’ve been waiting patiently for it to show up in the post but the mail must be on a slow boat to China ;)
Kind regards,
Wish I could be there to see some of those fabulous creations. Someday, hopefully. Have a great show.
Can’t wait! See ya there!