This classy Axiom will be the Open Bid knife at Blade this year.
It features Carved Zirc bolsters, Zircuti fittings - clip, back spacer, and pivot collars, Antique Westinghouse scales, Zirc spacers on the back spacer, Blue Anodized Titanium screws, Polished liners, and Chad Nichols Core Damascus.

This knife features non-standard details. The blade is thicker than normal at .166" inches, it has an integral machined clip, and a back spacer in lieu of stand-offs.

Open Bid will begin Friday, June 2 at noon (EST) and run until Saturday, June 3 at 5:00 (EST) . Need not be in attendance to bid; worldwide bids welcome. You can bid in person, by proxy, or I can act as your proxy if you text, message, or email me. I will raise bids in $50 increments. My Facebook Message name is SallyRogers, my phone is 575-838-7237, or email r.s.rogersknives@gmail.com.