Yeah, Man!

Richard has been playing/working with his new toy after an intensive 2 1/2 day crash course. Though, we really should stay away from the word 'crash'. That is definitely something we hope he doesn't do. Anyway, a few days later he has come up with the following 2 Tangents: [caption id="attachment_180" align="alignleft" width="300"]Toxic Green/Black G-10 Toxic Green/Black G-10[/caption] Feb. Tangents 009 [caption id="attachment_183" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Side view with green anodizing. Side view with green anodizing.[/caption] The Toxic Green has a textured handle, brushed titanium liners, and a two-tone green and black titanium clip. The sandblasted black G-10 features blue anodized jeweled titanium liners, and a milled blue anodized titanium clip. The blade steel on both is CPM-154.[caption id="attachment_181" align="alignleft" width="300"]Black Sandblast G-10 Black Sandblast G-10[/caption] [caption id="attachment_185" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Blue clip Blue clip[/caption] [caption id="attachment_186" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Jeweled liners Jeweled liners[/caption] We will be opening the books for 10 of the Tangents tomorrow. We will update with a post on available options and prices at that time. (And yes, we are painfully aware our photographic skills are nil. And I will be working on that.)


  • The slight modification to the shape of the clip looks fantastic!

  • Hello. I’m messaging you in regards to the upcoming ten spots opening tomorrow. Please keep me posted on your tangent folder options and pricing. That’s one sharp looking knife! Thank you for your time.

    Mike king

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