Winner has been chosen

The winning number is 225! He has been notified so check your gmail messages. We don't feel comfortable announcing the name unless given permission to do so. Thank you to everyone for helping make this such an incredibly successful GCR.  We raised close to $5000 (final figure after fees is $4624) !!  You all are the best. Our gratitude and respect always. Merry Christmas! (and now I am off to go toy shopping!!) Screenshot_2015-12-17-08-45-07


  • Wow – awesome response and great donation!
    Congrats to the winner and all who helped out!

    Dr. Bill
  • Hi, how do you know what numbers you are if you made multiple donations?



    Tri Pham
  • Hi Tri,
    Numbers are based on the order the donations are received. If someone made one lump sum donation it would be divided by 5 to see how many spots they’d get, then numbers would be consecutive. If someone made multiple $5 donations then the number would be assigned as it comes in. In your particular case you were #396, 398-406. Thank you so much for your donation. It is much appreciated.

  • Never got my number !!??

  • Sorry, numbers were only for my use to determine who won. And sorry, but you weren’t the winner!


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