'Tis the Season

To spread goodwill to all. This time of year seems to bring out the best in people and we hope that continues throughout the New Year. We'd like to spread the cheer a little farther this year by offering up a First Edition Full Titanium 4F to benefit a very deserving family. They are 'local' friends, well, they live in New Mexico and we consider anyone in the state local! They are also good people. Nathan Barton, a fellow knife knut, his wife Shannon, daughter Allorah, and toddler Hudson have had a rough few years, but this year has been especially hard, medically and financially. Allorah suffers from a very rare autoimmune disease, Juvenile Dermatomyositis along with multiple overlapping syndromes, acquired generalized lipodystrophy, insulin resistant diabetes, severe celiac disease and arthritis. She takes 6 different prescriptions a day along with insulin and every 4 weeks she goes into the hospital for an 8 hour immune globulin IV infusion. She recently was weaned off steroids and chemo injections. So as you can see, she has quite a bit to deal with for any person let alone a teenager. They have to travel quite extensively due to this, as she has specialists in Chicago, Dallas, Denver and Albuquerque. Her main physician is in Chicago. And to top it all off, they lost one of her insurances this year. [caption id="attachment_575" align="alignright" width="300"]Nathan & Allorah in Chicago Hospital earlier this month Nathan & Allorah in Chicago Hospital earlier this month[/caption] Let's join together, no not in a round of caroling as my singing has been known to cause headaches (thank you, child of mine, I love you too) but in helping lift the burden of a fellow knife knut. For a $10 donation your name will be entered into the raffle for a chance at this beauty: [caption id="attachment_571" align="aligncenter" width="300"]4F for Allorah 4F for Allorah[/caption] [caption id="attachment_573" align="alignright" width="300"]Bahama Blue beauty Bahama Blue beauty[/caption] Also included is the finalized version of the new logo dog tag: [caption id="attachment_572" align="aligncenter" width="169"]Logo Dog tag Logo Dog tag[/caption] You are welcome to enter as often as you'd like.The winner will receive the knife free and clear, this is not a chance to buy it but to win it.  100% of all proceeds will be given to the Bartons. We will ship, free of charge, anywhere in the world. You can go to the Facebook Group page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1513731152210963/ for further details. Or use the PayPal Donate button in the post above this. Thank you for helping us keep the Christmas spirit alive by coming to the aid of a child in need. Let's create a miracle for Allorah and her family.


  • WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching for colicky

    baby establish

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