The Gathering is HERE!
[caption id="attachment_776" align="aligncenter" width="300"] G7 Table[/caption] Please stop by Table 15C if you are here in Vegas. We are doing a beep beep lottery for 6 knives, one Closed Bid knife, one Open Bid knife, and a few Kwaikens and KiRRis FCFS. Starting at 10:00 when the doors open we will give 50 tickets for the lotto, tomorrow 50 tickets will be available. The Closed Bid is the MidSize 4F Zirc bolsters with C. Nichols Starfire damascus blade. The Open Bid is the Axiom with Zirc bolstered and C. Nichols Starfire damascus. Bids are open to all. Please email me or text me at either or 575-838-7237 to place a bid. I will keep you updated on bids. Bid knives will end tomorrow -- 1:00 for Closed Bid, 2:00 for Open Bid. [caption id="attachment_778" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Open Bid[/caption] [caption id="attachment_777" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Closed Bid[/caption] Thanks and hope to see a lot of y'all.