Making an appearance...

[caption id="attachment_788" align="aligncenter" width="660"]Slim Utility with Blackened Ti Bead Slim Utility with Blackened Ti Bead[/caption] The new model tentatively dubbed the 'Slim Utility', or if you are like Richard and shorten it in your mind it is the Sl.ut.. [yeah, really]. This is a very slim small all-around usable utility knife. It weighs in at 1.6 ounces and is very nicely balanced.20151001_184311 20151001_184328 The closed length is 3.75 inches and the blade length is almost 3 inches. And it is clip-less. The blade is stonewashed CPM-154 and the handle is Jade G-10. It features an inlaid lock bar. The screws have been darkened as has the spacer. The price is $450 which includes a lanyard and Blackened Ti Bead. We will be making this Prototype knife available for sale by lotto. Entries are to be sent ONLY to One entry per person. Payment by check or PayPal. Drawing by random number generator will occur on Friday, Oct. 2 at 7:00 PM MST.


  • Any chance of a few more photos like lock side, backspacer, and centering?

  • I am getting ready to eat dinner but will try to add one later this evening. If not then, tomorrow.

  • Knife looks great. But I just wanted to say the Dracut a thing was awesome.

    Jeffrey Bakota
  • First the Axiom, now this! My ‘must have’ list keeps growing!


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