Home, again, home again, jiggetty jig

Made it home alive, if somewhat overheated. The air conditioner compressor decided to die as we pulled into the parking garage in Vegas on Thursday. Luckily, the weather driving home was mostly cloudy and some thundershowers.  Tomorrow I get to visit our mechanic, who hates our car, so he can work on this compressor which he just installed at the end of May. Thank goodness it's under warranty. Here's two photos Richard took as we were almost home. He missed getting any lightning shots which where quite striking (excuse the pun, but they were impressive). [caption id="attachment_47" align="alignnone" width="187"]KINDLE_CAMERA_1377975367000 Very Large Array off Hwy 60[/caption] [caption id="attachment_48" align="alignnone" width="187"]San Agustin Plains San Agustin Plains[/caption]

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