2021 Annual Holiday Fundraiser

Can y'all believe it's already December 5?! That means I'm behind in promoting and telling everyone about this year's fundraiser. (Procrastination, table for one!) (And can we not notice that I have not done a blog post in a year. Yikes, I totally FAIL as a news correspondent. But I digress -- as usual.)

The fundraiser will be running from Thursday, December 9 - Saturday, December 11. Prizes will be randomly drawn after my dentist appointment on Monday, December 13. The link to donate will be posted here and everywhere on Wednesday evening, December 8.

This year, and forever more, the fundraising will be operating as a nonprofit under the business name of Cutting Edge Charities, Inc.  This really doesn't much change how we go about running it but you may notice the name on your receipts. One of the reasons I have been holding off on getting this party started is we are (im)patiently waiting to hear from the I.R.S. as to whether we have been granted 501(c)3 status. I was hoping we would have been approved months ago, but, alas, the waiting continues. All that means to you is your donation won't get a tax deduction -- but you will get our undying gratitude and respect! (If anyone has a friend in the IRS NonProfits Division, please put in a good word for us, and ask them to step it up, already. Thanks.)

As is tradition, we will be supporting our 6 favorite local charities - they are the Village of Magdalena Giving Tree, the Magdalena Friends of the Library, the Samaritan Center food pantry, The Socorro Storehouse food pantry, and the Marines Toys for Tots of Catron County and of Socorro County. These charities all have a web presence if you'd like to look into them.

The theme, yes, Virginia, there is a theme, is surprise, surprise...Snowflake! (Richard's clever that way.) The Slim Utility Zirc inlays are a one-time only riff off the Art Deco design on the snowflake ornament.

He even put a little snowflake inside the frame.

The other giveaways are 15 Zirc Snowflake ornaments and 10 Zirc Snowflake mini Tags.

There will be other prizes, such as 2 full-size Ti "Tenshi No Hane Bear Bone Custom" wings, a cutie CBJ mini bottle jack bead/ornament, CBJ slap pack, and other fun goodies.  And of course, these prize giveaways are our way of saying Thank You to all who support and help bring joy, hope, and brightness into the lives of the less fortunate.

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